Saturday, November 13, 2010

durian hunting in Hawaii, vegan quotes

A couple frutarian friends and I scored some amazing durian today.  The farm has MONTHON, CHANEE, D132, COBB.  We got to eat several lbs of COBB and MON...i finally got my Fresh Durian Fix, Full abundance.  The season should be going stronger in December.  
We pulled over in mango grove and ate our first durian, then we went to Pohiki beach and had a durian picnic and watched the surfers rip up the shoulder high waves.  
It feels great to be in company with some durian lovers and share our experience.  Hawaii has Quality King!

If you find that those around you do not understand your way of thinking, and if you feel that you are alone in your perspective, consider the positions of some of the greatest minds in history:
Albert Schweitzer:
“Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
Leonardo da Vinci:
“The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men.”
Mahatma Gandhi:
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
Count Leo Tolstoy:
“As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields.”
“The highest realms of thought are impossible to reach without first attaining an understanding of compassion.”
And remember… You are in good company.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

flowers, "food for the soul"

I have new friend here in Hawaii.  Nick.  He runs this fasting retreat.  His mom was very into her flowers and felt they are very important in life.  We shared how our moms had this similarity.

My mom said to me once that flowers are "food for the soul"...

Thanks mom for making my stubborness finally accept this!

I made a bouquet for two of the girls that are fasting here too, not as good as your bouquets!

Earth is a flower and it's pollinating.
Neil Young

Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.
Gerard De Nerval

Everybody has a right to like or dislike anything or anyone. From a flower to a flavor to a book or a composition but it is very sad that in our country we actually fight over such things in an unseemly manner.
Ravi Shankar

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I completed a one week FAST

I broke my fast after one week. 3days DRY, and 4days WATER.....
We hear about the amazing benefits from fasting, and we hear about the disadvantages from Sincere, but "Sincerely Wrong" people. I believe with Millions of people Starving in this world we can handle a one week fast or until completion.

This wasnt easy for me, as some people claim. I felt i had a persistent desire to eat (same like we have before a mealtime) on day 5, 6, and 7 half the time. I loved how DEEP i slept on this fast. It took an hour or two to fall asleep, but it was DEEP.

I lost 12 lbs total and feel lean and light and at my BEST. My staff infection has healed up. My ankle was sprained and has healed. Some challenging decisions have been made. Some built up anxiety has been dealt with nicely, and many more skin is soo soft and clear....yadayadayada...

I had to keep watching inspirational videos from other fasters on Youtube, like YogaYak and random fasters. To perservere i read Shelton's book "Fasting can save your life" and Arnold Ehret's Mucusless diet and his Rational fasting book, and I also had to watch videos from Michael arnstein and see his lean physique and his determination on ultras and to watch Durianriders lovely ranting and to watch documentaries on marathons and Ironmans about pushing through the hard times.

Granted, this is a small fast compared to the many that have done longer. I love noticing that first watermelon digest and hit my stomach. I felt it move through me. I love eating! I really am appreciating second meal was tree ripened Organic Rolinea, Can you Dig it? (hehhe, Dan's phrase).

Energy is low, but building each hour. my desire to find durian soon is building hourly. noticing the contrast from fasting to feeding is interesting..i felt my body was preparing to go without food and survive for long period, but I had not enough purpose to keep going this time.

The Allostatic Taste change with eating now is so obvious...i got it with rolinea, after eating enough it began to taste not so good....i love how sharp this is now.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

staying at fasting retreat on Big Island, HI

Arriving to Pohiki beach I saw Dr. Nick waiting for me....we connected very well then had a chat on the ocean waters.  Nick makes you feel very comfortable and is very humble with all his experiences and education.

The location for fasting is surrounded by lava rocks and 10minute walk to water access (tidepools).  He has a small pool onsite.  The house is two stories with huge decks outside your rooms for nude sunbathing.  Nick checks in with you daily and takes vitals.

I would say that this may be one of the better locations ever and the confidence i feel as a beginning faster is very high with Nick who is so easily accessible daily.  He also gives amazing body work too for $60/hour.

Nick had away to reassure me and help me continue on day 5 when I really wanted to break my fast early.
My main reason to fast was to get rid of a staff infection that has lingered for 9weeks, and to heal a sprained ankle, and to experience a massive challenge and discomfort (as my life is too easy), and seeing myself super lean was also an added bonus!  All this has happened by the end of day 6, now I must continue one more day just to be sure...its not easy, be strong and commit... It sure helps to have a good friend to fast with you, I have one this time and we usually have our conversations during our water only meals. is so affordable for what you get (approx. 100/day at this time, so hurry here)...Hawaii is some time to explore after your refeeding!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

eating very good fruits in Oregon...

I want to find someone that can send me "AKEE" asap....I hear its in south florida, if you have any contacts please advise.

today I feasted on sweet succulent Canteloup, amazing seeded grapes, and sungold tomatos and huge bowl of sticky wet Medjools from Datepeople.

I have been folowing my evening meal with a few raw Brasil nuts, they are pretty nice.  I feel they are fresh and truly raw, but not so sure...i got them at the Raw spirit festival in Arizona.  I do feel better lately eating less nuts and avocados.  MOst of my nutrition is coming from juicy fruits and DATES.

It feels like Ive been eatin 100% fruitarian for a few years now.  I have had a few slip ups.  The last two slip ups are from eating raw salty food.  1.  raw salsa with onions and peppers..2. raw cashew cheese with salt, oil, garlic, onion.  I had a 3 day reaction of stuffy nose, runny nose, sore throat.....I am happy to know that I am clean now and get these reactions to remind me to stay on course with naturaly hygienic food!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Philippines, Davao City durian, Rob and I cruizin the stalls..

doug graham's health and fitness week completed

Fortunately hitching a ride with a new wonderful friend Richard ( member), was the beginning of my wonderful week.  Next we Stoped to spend time with a new friendly fruitarian Family (Kathleen, Shon, and her sweet 3 girls).  Some additional committed rawvegans where there to enjoy as well, including Michael Arnstein (runs about 200 miles a week!), and Vicky (an honest, inquisitive, loving fruit lover also) All of these new friends are actively practicing the fruitarian/811 lifestyle.   We all went on Runs throught the nature trails around their home.  They are shinning examples of health and fitness (serious runners) and love.    Feeling the connection with others of similar values is sooo powerful.  Feeling 'normal' to be amongst a group of  people chowing down Huge bowls of Peaches, Melons, nectarines, grapes, tomatos, etc...

Arriving to Doug Graham's Health and Fitness week 2010 was powerful.  Doug Came out to meet us and give us all warm hugs.  We immediately met some others in the kitchen and began prepping a wonderful meal.  Some of our meals had the following fresh organic ingredients: Freshly squeezed Orange Juice, Tomato soups, cucumber/tomato salads with nectarine dressing, zuccini pasta with sundried tomato and fresh tomato basil dressings, raw/dehydrated falafael with humous and tahini all salt and oil free and only using veggies and some herbs, wonderful juicy Figs, Canteloups, Watermelons, Date/sliced apple cobler, apples, sweet grapes, blackberry/OJ juice, etc.....


Seeing Michael Arnstein run 50miles per day around a 1 and 1/4 mile loop.

Seeing myself run 17miles one day after 3years of under 5mile runs.

feeling the love every evening when people shared their thanks and gratitude.

enjoying the thriving nature all around the area, and jumping in the fresh cold river often.

Getting to know new lifelong friends.

seeing transformations in action.

seeing one women, Victoria come from a life of troubles and health disasters to losing over 100lbs and FIT.

Watching Doug answer questions and lecture and spread his wisdom and love and compassion

observing the different ways I feel when being told what to do in the kitchen, (my rebellious nature awakening).

having a wonderful LONG WalK with many others up the fire road in the rain.

petting the horses in the stables daily and feeding the chickens fruit scraps.

Pushing myself as hard as possible under the instructions of Doug levels of pain experienced.

Being extremly humbled by the LEAN and FIT indivuals around me....sooo lean.

RElearning how to eat lots of juicy fruits before eating durian in order to regain an ultra lean physique.

Having my father 'roll up' mid week to participate the final days....bringing about 60lbs of durian in shell to share!!!

Recharging my purpose and passion and Full ON COMMITTEMNT to Continually improve my Natural Hygienic lifestyle, Contribute, and Share the Vegan/fruitarian message Daily!!

Loving my swweeeeeeet melons back in ORegon now...sitting in my mothers LUSH flower garden, sun is brightly shinning on my bare skin, the roses are so nice to smell, food for the soul.

my brother, vegan for 2years, prepared a huge vegan meal for all my family and he specially prepared me a creatively cut Canteloup and albany grown, sweet crisp apples....AND my 100 dollar order of WET juicy Palm Desert DATES arrived from "THE DATE PEOPLE"!!  woooooooWWWyy sooo delicious...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

from PHilippines to Hawaii...the durian trail is HOT

Leaving DAvao City PHilippines has been challenging. The durian season was building sooo strong...piles everywhere, and the price was dropping approaching 50cents/pound. Even though you can buy durian fresh all year long there, the strong seasons are more special. The durian culture is sooo profound, most everyone can afford it and appreciate it.

Hanging out with Dr. Robert Lockhart, my amazing, inspiring, fun friend was perfect. He is 66 years young and a committed fruitarian fro 30 years. He is someone that 'walks the talk' for sure. He even was able to Fast for 48hours with durians alll around him, something I havent been able to do for 8 hours (he stubbed his toe and wanted it to heal fastly).

NOw I am loving a new country.....HAWAII....i am on the Big island, staying with a wonderful friend RICH, also a commmitted fruitarian. We are here now durian prime mango, durian, and white pineapple season.....its all the BEST ever...The durian is sooo delicous, nearly as great as PHilippines...the price is $6/kilo. The season just began!! I wanted to take a break from durian after eating mostly every day for approx. 2 and 1/2 years, but why bother.

The mangos and white pineapples are the best flavor i have EVER experienced any where else in the whole world. The chill vibe and the lush jungle and natural country feeling is lifechanging...i plan to spend most of my life around here....easy decision after experiencing so many places around the world.
Falling in love with a special someone will have to be next, to share this hidden jewel of a place....walking barefoot on roads under endless canopies of trees, heading to surf the Hawaiian waves, following a bath in a natural hotspring, then back to eating FREE mangos falling from the trees.

feeling amazing after gardening 3 hours with Rich on his new property....feels great to do physical exercise that will benefit the garden and our future of eating fruits.